Sunday, September 17, 2006

You can get anything on the web....

It's amazing how times are changing. Before you had to go to your local library to access information, but now in the new technological age you can find anything on the internet. You never have to leave your house.

On the internet you can find a job, hook up in a relationship, have sex, meet friends, play games, shop. I mean, you never have to leave your home. I think that you may even be able to get your exercise in with virtual machines. Your fingers will never become fat.

You can even get married on the internet in a virtual chapel. Now, there might be something to say for an internet relationship. I've never had one. I've seen showmance and homance on television, but personally, I think that an internet relationship would be more of a nomance. I like the touchy feely, kissy face stuff that I can actually share with another person really in my bed. However, there might be something to say for a virtual pregnancy and child. I think a virtual child might be easier to raise.

Today I even found a site that gives relationship and marriage advice via email. The guys guarantees that he can help you "tap into your relationships greatest potential." This is great! I mean with daily tips from some unknown source you can learn to relate to the person that is supposed to be the closest to you. (Unless that person is thousands of miles away and your entire relationship is based on email correspondance, web cams, and cyper sex of course. Then you have an entirely new set of criteria.)

Personally, I think that if we spent a little less time on the computer and gave a bit of time to our relationship in the bedroom, at the dinner table, etc. etc. that it might may a world of difference. It may be the technology age, but until the human brain and heart are replaced with microchips and RAM a little real human contact is a rather nice thing. I speak from experience here.

However, if I'm wrong. I hear that you can now file for divorce over the internet for the low cost of only $69.


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